π subnode [[@agora@botsin.space/agora chapter]]
in π node [[agora-chapter]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-10-30.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]] deadline today, let's see how far I get! today I hope to start early and finish late.
General [[patterns]] identified by the editors
#G1 too many links / links which aren't explicitly wikilinks
- Strategy: cut links by 50%, add back [[wikilink markers]] for all remaining links (makes me "pay for them" in a way)
- #G2 should address the reader of the book more than the user of an Agora
- #G3 lacking information on similar initiatives/prior work
- #G4 should be less of a manifesto and more a concrete description of the system that integrates PKGs
- #G5 lacks cohesion, add transitional paragraphs
- #G6 repetition
- #G7 Agora discussed as having agency (might be OK, but might also be confusing)
- #G8 use of bullet points which should be written as long form text
#G1 too many links / links which aren't explicitly wikilinks
General [[patterns]] identified by the editors
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-11-05.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]] is my top priority today
tour the agora
take screenshots
- add two or three to the doc
- file bugs :)
take screenshots
resolve more comments
- and more
- and more :)
tour the agora
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-11-26.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]]
- my next [[drishti]] -> [[2022-12-04]] is the [[deadline]] for the next iteration
answer [[editors]]
- write email
- start going through comments and incorporating learnings
note that UI improvements can yield more interesting screenshots
- but at least one screenshot of an agora graph is long due
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-11-28.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]]
- my next [[drishti]] -> [[2022-12-04]] is the [[deadline]] for the next iteration
answer [[editors]]
- write email -- this was sent on [[2022-11-27]] in the end
- answer follow up about the meeting, sounds nice
- start going through comments and incorporating learnings
note that UI improvements can yield more interesting screenshots
- but at least one screenshot of an agora graph is long due
- ;)
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-12-16.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]]
- talked to the editors about open comments/suggestions, will now batch resolve a lot of them :)
- finish resolving unlinked suggestions to improve readability end to end
- add references / move towards 'no open TODOs'
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-12-25.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]]
- (pomodoros and flow)
sila <- fix references
[[murray bookchin]]
- I write often [[The Revolution in the 21st Century]] to mean [[The Next Revolution]]. The earlier is an essay within the latter.
[[murray bookchin]]
- paramita <- resolve comments sequentially
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2023-01-11.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]] next steps
read George's email.
end of week as deadline for all, then we need to....
- work on updated abstracts and...
- start on the Markdown port.
end of week as deadline for all, then we need to....
read George's email.
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2023-01-29.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]]
- [[Davic C. Krakeuer]] -> [[Donald Norman]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2023-02-12.md by @flancian
- #push [[agora chapter]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2047.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]]
- the [[agora]] is a [[governance protocol]] for the #meta layer of the internet
- it is layered on top of [[activitypub]] and any other willing federation protocols.
pushed from garden/flancian/agora doc.md by @flancian
#push [[agora chapter]]
- written for [[pkg book]].
- #go https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DXJRDh9Ss5VCRBi3oirDw9d7yjn3H2hMqfN2ETTyjIc/edit?usp=sharing
- #pull [[agora pkg chapter]] ~ [[agora chapter]] (these might converge, I use them in different contexts)
- #pull https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DXJRDh9Ss5VCRBi3oirDw9d7yjn3H2hMqfN2ETTyjIc/edit#heading=h.lxyhsegwtr4m
the above should work, try iframes with [[google docs]]
it doesn't work :( "Google Docs benΓΆtigt Zugriff"
oh, but you can click on "click here" to get through!
- only on Firefox
- it doesn't work at all on Chrome :(
oh, but you can click on "click here" to get through!
it doesn't work :( "Google Docs benΓΆtigt Zugriff"
#comment https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DXJRDh9Ss5VCRBi3oirDw9d7yjn3H2hMqfN2ETTyjIc/edit?disco=AAAAhUbCJIQ
- great top level comment by [[ivo]], see push here for summary (G1-G8).
π stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/agora-chapter
- video call at meet.jit.si/agora-chapter